Sunday, January 17, 2016

Eternal Hope: Day 1

Day 1: When All Hell Broke Loose
Hello, my name is Sabrina Swenson. I'm not the ideal rich daughter that everyone would seem to think. I'm not super thin, I'm not obsessed with fashion, I don't drive an expensive car, and I love working. My parents and my sister, Samantha, are the complete opposite as they fit the stereotype. My father, Robert, built Sweetwater Tykes from the ground into the most successful children store in Newcrest. He says that since he's a family man then he wanted to be known for a family business. When are raised to work in the family store as our father expects us to take over it someday, but the biggest shock came to this family on my 20th birthday. I told them that I didn't want to work for the store for the rest of my life because I love art and I want to be a painter rather than a retail worker. My father was infuriated while my mother, Amanda, and sister just sat in silence. On a day that was supposed to be full of joy and happiness ended up being a broken household as that was the last day that I ever stepped foot in the house. My father disowned me and my mother didn't stop him. I left with the clothes that I had on and I never looked back.

I'm the one with the denim jacket on. You can tell from this picture that I don't fit in with my family. I guess I'm the black sheep.


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