Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eternal Hope: Day 7

Day 7: I'm Not Alone
What a bright sunny morning!!

 I can't wait to see what this day brings.

Okay so I was scoping out blogs to see if anyone else was going through the same thing as me. Turns out that this girl, same age as me, is dealing with the exact same type of issue. Her name is Erika. Her parents didn't disown her, but they died in a tragic fire and lost everything. As a result, she's starting over. I offered for her to come stay with me, but she said no as she lives in Willow Creek. Her parents graves are there plus all the memories, which she's holding onto with every fiber of her being. My heart goes out to Erika. I did tell her if she needed anything then to let me know. One good thing out of my conversation with her was about this secret spot in Willow Creek, which I totally have to check out. That's exactly where I'm going to be heading after I pee and eat =]

I arrived in Willow Creek at the park as I figured that might be closest to the tree. First, I stopped at the lake. Thought I'd give a hand at trying to examine the lake since I've gotten really good with fishing plus I can search for frogs and fish while I'm here.

 Water wasn't clear enough for me to examine it, but I found a Spotted Leaf frog.

Let's see what I can catch and find around here.

I found a Bass fish, trout, minnow, a plumbing upgrade object (lmao), koi fish, and a guppy fish.

 I was no where near where the tree was located, but after an exhausting search I found it.

I hope Erika didn't lead me somewhere dangerous. 

 Wow this place is gorgeous!! Erika doesn't disappoint.
Proof I was here LOL

I'll have to find a new secret and share it with her or something to show my appreciation.

Now let's explore the Sylvan Glades, which is apparently what this place is called.

 I caught a cowplant berry, emotion potion, betta fish, minnow, Dirtsurfer frog, Treefish, exotic goldfish, and a rainbow fish.

I found a lily bush as well as others and a tree, but the lily bush was the only one that had anything harvastable. I found more frogs too. I can't believe it's almost 4am and I haven't been home yet. I'm exchausted plus the farmers market will be closed so I'll have to go there tomorrow. 
I still feel very lonely. I'm so focused on surviving that I don't talk to people much. Guess that's my fault.

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