Sunday, January 24, 2016

Eternal Hope: Day 3

Day 3: The Struggle Is Real 

New day today so  hopefully I can make more money since I already spent most of what I earned yesterday. I knew earning the money wouldn't be easy, but it's a lot more difficult than I imagined. I also did not realize how expensive stuff is especially stuff that is essential to living like a toilet and a refrigerator.

I'm starving as I went a whole day without any food and I desperately need to pee, but there's no where I can go. No park near by. I might have to go to a neighbor's house, but I hate to feel like I'm imposing and it's late. I have to do something because I am simply miserable. Well here goes nothing.

It's after 4am and I go my closest neighbor, Zuri, who happens to be up. I have never been more grateful in my life. She welcomes me into her home with open arms and then sits down. She asks if I need anything and I said that I just need to use the restroom. With such kindness, she says of course and it's opposite from the family room.
That's her son, James, in the background.
 I ran straight for the bathroom and as soon as I exited, Zuri went to bed; however, her husband Dominic was sitting on the couch. He heard my stomach growling and told me to get some food from the fridge. I offered to explain my situation, but he said it didn't matter. Him and his wife know what it's like to go hungry so they try to do what they can for those who are currently in that situation.

He's so nice like his wife

He told me that Zuri had made mac 'n cheese for them and there was a plate left in the fridge so he told me to take that.

It is really good mac 'n cheese. 

So I thank them for their hospitality, but that I must go and earn some money

Maybe someday I'll be able to repay them for their kindness.

So I returned home to scope around for things that I could find and sell. I first came upon a rock then dug it up. OMG it's a time capsule!! I wonder what could be inside!!

So I open the time capsule...


It's some figurine, but the farmers market says it's worth $25 and I really need the cash so I'll be selling him.

Now to keep digging for treasure, plants, and anything else that I can find to see. I gotta buy myself a toilet LOL.

First stop is a wild mushroom
That was only worth $1, which doesn't help me that much.

Then to look for frogs because you never know
 Found a leaf frog, worth $10.

Next door to this kids toy store are two more rocks that I can dig up. 
*harnesses positive energy*
 The one on the right of the pic gave me Plathinum, which is worth $20. The one on the left gave me Baconite, which is worth $25. That's another $45!! Yay. I can do my happy dance *doodoo*

TWO  more rocks by the fishing pond and I'm anxious to find out what they have.

The one on the right gave me limestone, which may have a fossil. It did and it's value is $50!! Now for the last rock, on the left.

It had a time capsule...

 There was another buddy inside

So I sold him too LOL.

Now I have almost $200 so I think I should try and buy a toilet now.

 Turns out that I still can't afford a toilet so looks like I will keep saving up for one.

I spoke to the owner of the furniture store and she said that she had it at the lowest price she could go though she may increase it. I need to get enough money for a toilet before she raises the prices.

I just wish I knew what I was getting myself into before standing up to my parents. 

Looks like I'll be heading home to bed and then earn more money tomorrow. 
Of course I don't get home until after the sun rises, but I had stuff to do.


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