Sunday, January 31, 2016

Eternal Hope: Day 10

Day 10: A Real Home

I earned enough to finish my home. It hasn't even been two weeks yet. I'm so happy.

It's only a studio type of house, but it's definitely a big step up from before.

This is the outside of the house.

 This is my bedroom/study area. Same bed, but new dresser as well as a desk, computer, and chair. The computer was the most expensive at $522, but the cheapest one I could buy.

 This is the kitchen/dining/family room. Small TV, but I'm just happy that I finally have a TV. I also bought another counter for the kitchen. The sofa, coffee table, and TV are definitely new.

 Same bathroom, but remodeled slightly. New tile on the walls and floor plus a new sink.
Now I get to go shopping for a new wardrobe and get rid of this outfit for good.

I like yellow and it looks good on me :)

I love pink, which I think is obvious from my house HAHA

 Nothing too exciting here, but the jacket is so comic book and I love that.

 I also love red and this is a bit edgy, but not too much :)

Back to yellow with another color and some cool jeans.

Now that I have my new wardrobe, I can start applying for jobs since I don't look homeless anymore.

Let's see. I'm creative and I love the outdoors. I would be a painter, but I don't have the money to buy an easel. I can't afford an instrument so musician is out. Maybe I should be a writer? It'll help pay the bills until I can do what I really love doing, paint. 

I am officially a writer!! I should get to writing my first novel now. I mean, I have free time LOL. 

So my boss wants me to read some books. This is a great idea as I will gain some inspiration for my writing.

Now that I've finished reading, I'll see if Sam is online to talk.

She is so I'm letting her know that I officially have a home. She said that as soon as I have a private room just for her then she'll make a move. Teenagers, right? I was like that too. Had to have my own space. Her birthday isn't for a little while off so I still have time. 

I am so happy to finally own a real home.
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Eternal Hope: Day 9

Day 9: Why So Silent?
I got an earlier start today so I'll be heading back to that place. I need to earn $2k so hopefully I can get it all done today. I know, high goals. If I don't aim high then where will I end up?

I sold my selfies for $32. I'm totally surprised anyone wanted them, but I'll take it LOL.

 Off I go to the glade.

I just got an email that I owe $76 in bills and I only have $33 right now. If I play my cards right then I may be able to pay the bills before tomorrow while still earning the $2k. Let's see how it all goes.

On the way to the glade, I decided to meet Erika for the first time. I had only seen a picture of her on her blog and vice versa. This is going to be interesting, but first, I gotta take a selfie of us haha.

She's even prettier in person, but she doesn't believe me.

 I told her that I was on my way to the glade and since she lives right next to it, I thought I'd surprise her by coming over. She seems perfectly okay so no blog updates seems odd.

Me: Is everything okay?  You haven't updated in awhile.
Erika: Someone stole my phone. I think Ashleigh did or one of her punk friends.
Me: Why would she take it?
Erika: To sell it for money. Why else?
Me: Have you asked her?
Erika: No. You have a sister. What would you do?
Me: I'd just ask if she had seen my phone.
Erika: Well I can try that. Let's see how that goes.

 Erika: See that's my phone
Ashleigh: We have the same phone, E.

Erika: No we don't. I got the new iPhone 6 plus. You don't have the plus.
 Ashleigh: Are you accusing me of anything?
Erika: Just want to know why you have my phone.
Ashleigh: It's not yours. I saw yours on your bed.
 Me: Where and when did you see it last, Erika?
Erika: On the table. 
Ashleigh: Ashleigh:  Ashleigh: You were texting someone last night. Who?
 Me: Wasn't me.
Erika: It was just some boy last night that I met in the park.
Ashleigh: That means it was on your bed. Did you check under the covers?
Erika: I think I would know if I slept with my phone or not.
Me: I've had stuff in my bed and didn't know it.
Erika: Fine I'll check. Nope no phone...wait...what's this?
Me: Looks like a black glove. Maybe someone took it while you were asleep?
Ashleigh: It wasn't me. Why would I need to when I have a phone?
Erika: For money?
Ashleigh: I help take care of the garden when you're away, E. I've never stolen from you.
 Erika: You have before Ash. Why would now be any different?
Ashleigh: I've grown up. 
 Erika: Well you don't wear gloves so I guess we're going to search for my phone. Want to come Sabrina?
Me: Thanks, but I need to earn enough to pay my bills and finish my house. Let me know when you find it.
Erika: I will and thanks for checking on me.
Me: Anytime.

So off to the glade I lol

So here I am ready to fish, catch frogs, dig rocks, and harvest stuff.

I found a tiger frog, trout fish, a treefish, tetra, exotic goldfish, tilapia, rainbow fish, cowplant berry, apple (huh?? lol), and a sturgeon.

I gotta head to the farmers market now because I'm sure I hit a fortune with some of this stuff.

I earned a total of $3,093. Some was spent on bills and food.

Now I can definitely finish my home. So tomorrow I will be gardening and building. I can't wait to post new pictures!!

It was great to finally meet Erika for the first time.