Monday, January 25, 2016

Eternal Hope: Day 5

Day 5: Light At The End of the Tunnel

What a wonderful morning. 

First thing I did was wash up after my busy day yesterday. Then I decided to call my sister. I'm not sure what I hope to accomplish, but I'm hoping something good comes from it.

 Here goes nothing...*fingers crossed* (sort of lol)

 Me: Hey Sam, it's Sabrina
Samantha: I'm not supposed to talk to you.
Me: Wait, dad said we can't talk? You're my sister.
Samantha: They disowned you, remember? We're not sisters anymore.
Me: Being disowned doesn't change the blood connection
Samantha: Look, just make this quick Sabrina. What do you want?
Me: Honestly? Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you.
Samantha:  I'm surprised you're not asking for money. HAHA
Me: I am managing without help from anyone for money.
Samantha:  Oh really? What have you manage to buy in less than a week?
Me:  A bed, a toilet, and a sink.
Samantha: OMG that's too funny. I have all of that and more over at my parents house.
Me:  Yeah, well, I had my reasons for leaving.
Samantha: How long do you think you'll last on your own?
Me:  I'm not coming back.
Samantha: Yeah we'll see Sabrina.
Me: Why are you being so mean to me? We've always gotten along?
Samantha: I'm sorry. I love you, but I don't agree with what you're doing. Please don't call me again.
Me: I will make it on my own and I will show you...I'll show ALL of you!!
Samantha: Whatever Sabrina. Goodbye.

OMG she just hung up on me!! The nerve of her!! I have done so much for her since she was a baby and this is the thanks I get for it. I was there for her when our parents were so busy with the store. Does that matter now? Apparently not. If that's how she's going to be then I don't need her or my parents. I'll have my own family and my own life without them in it.

*breathe Sabrina breathe*

Okay I need to calm down and start earning some money so I can also get some stuff for a kitchen.  

The cheapest refrigerator is $150. I can get a counter for $15, and I also need a stove. The cheapest for that is also $150. So that's a total of $345 and I only have $2 so time to get to work around here.

 Okay I found 10 roses that are worth $5 each so that's $50 for me.
A hypnofrog, which is worth $25. 
10 wild mushrooms at $1 each so that's $10
  10 snapdragons that are $5 each so another $50
That earned me $135 so I now have $137

I found a time capsule so time to see what's inside  I found a time capsule so time to see what's inside

 Turns out it's DJ Candy

The farmers market gave me $20 for her.

I now have $157 towards my $345 goal. I should buy my counter now.
Not a bad little setup I have here

So now I need to earn some moola for the rest of my lil kitchen or I could build some walls around my toilet so no one can see me. Let's see if I have enough for a lil room for the toilet. If not then I'll keep saving up.

 So I ended up liking the sink after all so I sold it to a neighbor for $50 then was able to buy one more wall segment for my toilet.

Not true privacy, but better than none at all. I can always wait until it's night time and there's no one around.

I'm back to $2 so I need to earn a lot of money to finish this lil setup and my kitchen. Off I go to see what I could find. 

 Three rocks by the farmers market. Maybe I'll dig up something good.

The one on the left gave me an Emerald. The one on the far left gave me Alcron. The last one gave me a death metal...isn't that some sort of music genre?? 

Emerald is worth $20, the Alcron is worth $10, and the death metal is worth $60. I now have $92 towards my $300 goal, which is fabulous!!

I'm going to go fishing to see if that gives me anything. 
Before I could even start fishing, I found a strawberry bush and another rock to dig up.

 There were 3 strawberries and the rock gave me another time capsule. Seriously? It better not be one of those people statues again.

OMG it's a buddy. Seriously? No wonder they're all in capsules. No one wants them for crying out loud. They're worthless junk. Ugh. I rather have a rock than one of these.

The strawberries gave me $6 since they were $2 each and the buddy gave me $25. 
I hate to spend money on food since I'm saving up, but I gotta eat. I should go fishing now.

Before I could, I found an onion plant with 10 onions.

 I'm catching some great fish. I can't wait to see what I can get for them. So far I've found 2 Koi fish that were heavy and 3 light weight guppy's. I can tell that from reeling them in. I just caught a Betta fish, a snapdragon, and two chichild fish.

Now that I've gone to the bathroom, I can go next door to the farmers market to see what they'll give me for the onion, these fish, and the snap dragon.

$30 for the onions so they must've been $3 each
$32 for the Koi fish so $16 each
$18 for the guppy fish so they were $6 each
$9 for the beta fish
 $5 for the snapdragon flower
$28 for the 2 chichild fish so they were $14 each
Total earned: $122

I now have $245 so I'm going to buy my stove now.

 I bought another counter for $15 and a sink for $15. My stove was $150, as I mentioned earlier, so now I have $65. Now I can cook myself a meal, but first I'm going to shop for a table and a chair.

Well I could afford a chair or a table, but not both. I chose a chair.

I thought I could cook a meal without a fridge, but that's not the case. I need the ingredients LOL. Back to fishing for more money. I need less than $100 to get that fridge. 
 Here lil fishy fishy HAHA

 Chichild ($14), a Betta fish ($8), a snapdragon flower ($5), and a Koi fish ($15). That's $42, which gives me $107. Not quite there. I may have to go to the park and use the grill so I don't go hungry tonight. I'm going to trade my stove in for a fridge so I can store that food. I spent $13 on hot dogs, which will last me a couple of days. That brought me down to $94, but I know I can earn the rest of it tomorrow.

At least it's starting to feel more like home now.  


  1. I absolutely loved it, it made me cry a little because of what sammantha was saying to her sister. I cant imagine my sister saying something like to me.. it just broke my heart so... Other than that I loved the story, please keep more coming and please continue to tag me. ((Suki))

  2. Her sister shouldn't treat her that way. Anything could happen to her while out there. I hope her family comes around soon. But on the other hand I would like to see her persevere through her struggles & become wealthy & successful... Great story! It kept me wanting to read more & more.
