Monday, May 29, 2017

Josephine's Struggles: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Beginning

I have no idea how to raise a toddler or a child, but I want better for my baby brother than the life that I have had under my parents' roof. In order to not raise suspicion, I have dropped out of high school so that I can raise Jackson and earn money for us so that I can build us a house. That's my dream anyway. I know that my life has never gone according to plan.
Today I earned $160 from gardening, digging, and finding frogs. I also planted a snapdragon flower and an apple, which I hope does well so I can sell them also. Now I need to see if I have enough for Jackson's bed because his needs matter more than my own.

Turns out there was this used mattress on the side of the street that someone was throwing away because their toddler outgrew it. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with it so I took it and the bedding that was on it. I knew that if I talked to the owners then they would report us so I got it while it was dark. Now Jackson has his own bed and now I can feel better knowing that he at least has a comfortable bed to sleep in.


As luck would have it, about a few feet in the other direction of our "house" was a child's mattress that was left on the curb for pickup. While Jackson was sleeping, I walked over to check the mattress and blanket out. Surprisingly, there didn't appear to be anything wrong with this set either so i hauled it over to our lot. I must say that it weighed a lot more than it looked so it wasn't easy dragging it, carefully, but I got it.

Now to get a restful night's sleep until tomorrow where I continue to earn enough money to build us a house.


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